all about the webmistress. well not everything, mostly just random ramblings about stuff i'm doing and things that have gone on in life in general.
family life just the start of our on-line family photo album! friends, family and family vacations. it's just like the slide show your parents made you watch, but on the internet instead. just as fun as you remember, like putting shoots of bamboo under your fingernails. now featuring nuptials 2000.
pets pets and more pets. we seem to accumulate them. see dax and ares in full-color action and coming soon! pictures of our dog, murph (michael's 12yo chow-chow) and our new mop-like guinea pig, dillon.
rdms dba, professional web programmer and nt systems admin. face it, I'm a tech. my resume - just in case you are interested.
miscellaneous links to everything that's important enough to me to include here.
surf outdoor sites, sites devoted to Chicago, and my favorite music artists. to know my links is to know me (just kidding, don't take this too seriously!).
about this website, with a personal message from the webmistress, tips for using this site and a table of contents.