send a greeting | |
Laura left the following comments on 2/15/2003: Re: checking in! hi heather your guestbook is working again. long time, no talk. are you out there somewhere? write me. Laura | |
Professor Hackbert left the following comments on 12/13/99: Re: Happy Holiday Just a note from Monterey to let you know that we are thinking about you this Xmas season. | |
Grandma J left the following comments on 12/13/99: Re: holidays Heather you did a wonderful job with updating the website. Thanks. And thank you for the holiday greetings. Fletcher is looking more beautiful everyday. We had a great time with GreatGrandma Bear and Great Aunt Nancy. They are both doing beautifully. We will talk before you all leave for France, England and Scotland. Randy, Gramps is working on the golf scoresheet for you. Hope to get it there in time. Love you all and miss you terribly. xoxox | |
kath berman left the following comments on 12/12/99: Re: greetings hi everyone...i was really excited to run over and share a bottle of wine with grandma rhonda, till i discovered that she's been using someone else's computer! that ____! well, guess i'll just have to pop the cork and celebrate myself...but it won't be hard, your site is interesting and entertaining...certainly doesn't need a pre-emptory warning, except for hormone happy female types who swoon at beautiful babies. hope you enjoy the holidays in hungary together, best wishes from your former courier. | |
kath berman left the following comments on 12/12/99: Re: greetings | |
Erika Erhart left the following comments on 10/4/99: Re: King Fletcher Congratulations Randy and Heather! He's beautiful. Let me know what you need. Our care package is on the way. We miss all of you very, very much. Send our love to dear Fletcher. Love, Erika, Mike and Nicholas | |
Jon & Karen left the following comments on 10/1/99: Re: Congrats!! Congratulations on the arrival of little Fletcher. We are glad to hear everyone is doing well. Joel sent us your baby picture website so we thought we would check it out. Hope all is well in Hungary. Looking forward to getting together if you both ever decide to come back stateside. Dan is growing like a weed. He is running around and getting very close to talking. Take care and hopefully we can get together soon??? Jon, Karen, & Dan | |
Bob left the following comments on 9/30/99: Re: baby What a Cutie!!! Good thing he doesn't have Randy's nose. Thanks for the pictures, look forward to seeing the entire clan. Love you three. Bob | |
Laura Despres left the following comments on 9/22/99: Re: Is it baby yet? Hey your web site is back up and running. And I bet you have a baby to show us! Send me the pictures and up they will go, right here. I used your guestbook to send this, maybe if you ask people, they will post messages for you up here wishing you well with the new baby. Think about it... Laura | |
Steve & Lesly Levitas left the following comments on 8/18/98: Re: How's the Goolash? Heather & Hack - We hope everything is going well, including Randy's job search. Thanks again for the dining room table it looks great! Drop us an email when you get a chance. We miss you guys already. Steve & Lester. | |
Katie and Jake left the following comments on 8/17/98: Re: This web site is a great idea!! We had a great time at the party. Randy do you have a job yet? More important did you read the Playboy article yet? Hope school is going well Heather. Talk to you soon!! Love Katie and Jake | |
Joel and Merilyn left the following comments on 8/11/98: Re: Dear Randy and Heather, This technology is fantastic and a wonderful way to include your family and friends in your Budapest adventures. Have a terrific time. | |
bob left the following comments on 8/11/98: Re: welcome!!! whoooa!!! you made it! see you next summer :) | |
steph left the following comments on 8/8/98: Re: Cool! I just sent you this really long e-mail, then I saw this and thought "Oh my God, I hope my e-mail doesn't appear on this page!" Do they make strudel in Hungary? I miss you! | |
Kasian Family left the following comments on 8/7/98: Re: Bless you both. Congratulations . What an experience, enjoy every minute. Can't wait until we read new updates. My love to both of you. Nancy | |
Rhonda left the following comments on 8/7/98: Re: Hi! hey heather i found you. i can't believe our picture is on the internet rick is working for art today and i am on his son ed's computer hope you had a safe trip and you,randy and the cats are all fine. we'll be here for a few more days or a week so if you get a chance write me back love from your mom! this is amazing! | |
TZ left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: gotta love technology Randy and Heather- sorry i couldn't make it to the goodbye party...have fun getting all settled in over there...i'll come visit as soon as i can convince someone to buy me a plane ticket...or after i win the lottery.. Much love... | |
Ed Horwitz left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: You're both geeks, but I love you ! Hack check out this months Playboy has an article about a women masterbating ... very positive...says she's intouch with what she wants ! XoXoXo ...Peace...Ed | |
Sue Huguenin left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: Nice! I,m a friend of Susan's mother. Would love to hear from you on your experiences. I,too, am a teacher. Will be subbing elementary in New Smyrna Beach, FL. | |
Peter Vroegh left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: Hope you are enjoying your new home and all is well. Peace. | |
Mom and Dad left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: wow this is really neat. we love you both very much. we know you are embarking on one of the most wonderful experiences you will ever have. take care and HAVE FUN. | |
Mom and Dad left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: wow this is really neat. we love you both very much. we know you are embarking on one of the most wonderful experiences you will ever have. take care and HAVE FUN. | |
Mom and Dad left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: wow this is really neat. we love you both very much. we know you are embarking on one of the most wonderful experiences you will ever have. take care and HAVE FUN. | |
Mom and Dad left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: wow, this is really neat. we love you both and know you are embarking on the most wonderful time of life. Stay well and HAVE FUN. | |
Mom and Dad left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: wow, this is really neat. we love you both and know you are embarking on the most wonderful time of life. Stay well and HAVE FUN. | |
Erika Erhart left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: Heather and Randy, We miss you already. If Randy doesn't find a job, we can work together on that movie script for the Sound of Music sequel. Ha! Thanks for all the funny times in Chicago. Enjoy the BEEF! Your web site kicks arse, and your photos too. Don't forget to write us. Love you- Erika and Mike | |
Susan Shire left the following comments on 8/6/98: Re: Heather and Randy It looks great - what a good idea. We'll miss you, but obviously we can still be in touch. Good luck and we love ya! Susan and Steve and Madeline and Onyx | |
Heather Howard left the following comments on 8/5/98: Re: welcome to our guestbook Hey! This is really easy to do. Creating this webpage was a blast. I hope updating it is as fun. Just follow the cute little buttons! Bye. |
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